Zpravodaj československé sekce IEEE |
Ve dnech 20. a 23. øíjna navtíví Èeskou republiku delegace IEEE, vedená prezidentem panem W. Readem.
Vedení sekce zve vechny kolegy - i studenty a neèleny IEEE - k poslechu pøednáek, které budou v rámci akce pøedneseny na FEL ÈVUT, a k úèasti na "kulatém stolu" s prezidentem IEEE.
Èasový rozvrh akce je uveden na této stranì; více informací o obsahu pøednáek a jednotlivých pøednáejících naleznete v èlánku "Pøednáky a pøednáející" na konci tohoto èísla zpravodaje.
Zbynìk kvor
Mezinárodní federace pro automatické øízení - IFAC - sdruuje národní organizace ze 48 zemí celého svìta. Jejím posláním je podpora vìdy a techniky v oboru automatického øízení systémù, napø. inenýrských, fyzikálních, biologických, sociálních nebo ekonomických. IFAC vydává stovky odborných publikací, nìkolik èasopisù a organizuje kadý rok pøes 40 mezinárodních konferencí. Jeho nejvýznamnìjí akcí je ale Svìtový kongres IFAC, poøádaný jednou za 3 roky. Takový kongres se konal právì letos v èervenci v hotelu Marriott v San Franciscu, Kalifornie. Kongresu se zúèastnilo pøes 2000 lidí, zasláno bylo pøes 2500 referátù, pøedneseno 1500. Èechù a Slovákù bylo na kongresu asi 12 a pøednesli asi 11 referátù. Svìtový kongres IFAC`2005 se bude, jak známo, konat v Praze. Pøípravy na tuto významnou akci vlastnì ji zaèaly. Jejich souèástí byla i slavnostní recepce pro významné pøedstavitele IFAC, kterou organizátoøi budoucího kongresu uspoøádali za podpory firmy Panasonic Czech Republic na letoním kongresu v San Franciscu. IFAC ji tradiènì velmi dobøe spolupracuje s IEEE a to zejména s Control Systems Society (CSS). Významní odborníci v oboru bývají èasto aktivní v obou tìchto organizacích. Právì letoní kongres se uskuteènil za významné podpory CSS IEEE. Bìhem kongresu také probìhlo mnoho významných schùzí CSS a kvùli nìmu byla letos zruena pravidelná konference ACC (American Control Conference), která se jindy koná kadé léto.
Z èeských èlenù IEEE byl Vladimír Kuèera (èlen Technical Board CSS) zvolen v San Franciscu na dalí volební období vice-presidentem IFAC a Michal ebek (èlen Conference Editorial Board CSS a èlen výboru naí sekce) byl zvolen èlenem IFAC Policy Committee.
Nedávné úsilí èlenù naí sekce z oblasti automatického øízení bylo korunováno úspìchem: Petice s 14 podpisy naich èlenù Control Systems Society (CSS) doporuèená výborem sekce byla hladce schválena ústøedím IEEE i CSS. To znamená, e po ji úspìnì existující MTT/AP/ED chapter brzy zaène pracovat chapter druhá: CSS. Zájemci o její èinnost kontaktujte prosím M. ebka (m.sebekieee.org nebo msebekutia.cas.cz).
Michael ebek
Na základì naí ádosti byl statut dosavadní "MTT/AP Joint Chapter of Czechoslovakia Section IEEE" rozíøen na MTT/AP/ED. Toto rozíøení povaujeme za výhodné proto, e poèet èlenù ED-S není v naí sekci takový, aby mohlo dojít k zaloení Electron Devices Chapter; po provedeném pøipojení bude mono navázat kontakty s Electron Devices Society (vèetnì finanèní podpory).
Prozatímním pøedsedou (Interim Chairman) je a do voleb, které pøedpokládáme pøed valnou hromadou sekce dne 5. prosince, dosavadní pøedseda MTT/AP Ing. Miroslav Zeman (VA Brno).
Zbynìk kvor
Dne 8. záøí se v praském hotelu Opera konalo setkání zástupcù "Chapters" patøících do Div. I. a IV. Setkání vzniklo pøedevím díky spolupráci Prof. Rolfa Jansena (MTT-S) a Dr. Williama Van Der Vorta (ED-S). Organizaènì bylo zajitìno pøedsedou ÈS sekce. (Co se ukázalo být opravdu lahùdkovým úkolem díky souèasnì probíhající návtìvì Michaela Jacksona v Praze.)
Celodenního setkání se zúèastnilo témìø edesát delegátù, poèítaje v to i milé hosty, jakými byli napø. MTT-S Life member Prof. Tatsuo Itoh s chotí. Jako perlièku lze uvést, e mnozí delegáti z území bývalého SSSR se po létech opìt setkali v Praze.
Pro nai MTT/AP/ED Joint Chapter mìlo toto setkání ten význam, e umonilo pøímý kontakt s presidenty jednotlivých spoleèností. Vìøíme proto, e se to pøíznivì obrazí mj. i v získání dotací na èinnost Chapter v roce 1997.
Zbynìk kvor
V souèasné dobì se pokouíme ustavit "Czechoslovakia Section Student branch". Pokud se pokus zdaøí, mìlo by to pomoci studentským èlenùm na teritoriu sekce lepí vyuití moností, které s sebou nese jejich èlenství v IEEE.
Petici a ostatní organizaèní záleitosti s ustavením spojené organizuje Dr. Sergej Èelikovský, CSc.
Dr. Èelikovský ji obeslal studentské èleny se zádostí o podpis na petici. Pokud jste studentským èleme a dopis jste dostali, prosíme o jeho urychlený návrat Dr. Èelikovskému. Pokud jste dosud nebyli kontaktováni a máte o zaloení "Student Branch" zájem, kontaktujte jej - nejlépe na
Tel. 02/66052020
Zbynìk kvor
V minulých dnech petrnì vìtina z Vás obdrela "Renewal Invoice" pro rok 1997.
Platba z prostøedkù deponovaných vloni na kontì sekce
Ti z Vás, kteøí mají deponovanou èástku na kontì sekce od loòského roku, se pravdìpodobnì nalézají v jedné z tìchto dvou situací:
jejich èlenství na rok 1997 je právì stejnì drahé, jako to, které si chtìli pøedplatit na letoek
jejich èlenství na rok 1997 vychází draí(Ceny posuzovány v dolarech - bez ohledu na rozdílnost kursu USD/Kè v okamiku Vaí pøedchozí platby).
V závislosti na tom, která varianta se na Vás vztahuje, pouijte prosím pøísluný postup
zalete vyplnìný "Invoice" spoleènì s dopisem, ve kterém uvedete, e jde o úhradu z deponované èástky, na adresu sekretariátu sekce
zalete vyplnìný "Invoice" spoleènì s dopisem, ve kterém uvedete, e jde o úhradu z deponované èástky a e posíláte doplatek, na adresu sekretariátu sekce a protihodnotu rozdílu èástek (28 Kè na 1 dolar) pøeveïte na konto sekce (1010553-068/0800, jako var. symbol uveïte své èlenské èíslo). Alternativnì mùete èástku pøinést v hotovosti spoleènì s vyplnìnou pøihlákou dne 24. øíjna mezi 16,00 a 18,00 na sekretariát sekce.
Prosím, abyste vdy pøi odvolávce na døíve deponovanou platbu uvedli plátce (nejèastìji jím pravdìpodobnì byl Vá zamìstnavatel), který ji na nae konto zaslal.
Zmìny proti minulosti
Pozor, na rozdíl od minulých let by vyplnìné "Invoice" a platba mìly dorazit do centra IEEE v USA do 30. listopadu. Rovnì tak dolo ke zmìnì banky pro pøíjem platby bezhotovostnì (wire transfer) na First Union National Bank, 550 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07 102, USA, ABA# 031201467, Account# 201130673841-6.
Pro ty, kdo nemají deponovanou èástku
Doporuèujeme platbu prostøednictvím kreditní karty (akceptované karty jsou vyjmenovány pøímo na "Invoice"). Pokud kreditní kartu nevlastníte, jsem ochoten Vám platbu zprostøedkovat. To je mono udìlat takto:
Vyplníte "Invoice"
S vyplnìným formuláøem mne navtívíte dne 24. øíjna mezi 16,00 a 18,00 na sekretariátu sekce.
Pøedáte mi vyplnìný formuláø "Invoice" a zaplatíte protihodnotu v kursu 28 Kè za 1 US$.
Obdríte potvrzení o platbì (nikoli vak fakturu èi daòový doklad)
Já doplním na formuláø potøebné údaje o platbì a odelu jej.
Upozoròuji, e tuto monost Vám nabízím jako "sousedskou výpomoc". Nejde o pøedmìt podnikání, proto opravdu nemohu fakturovat. Rovnì tak neposílejte tuto platbu na konto sekce.
Tìm z Vás, kteøí nepouijí platbu pøes moji VISA kartu, stále zbývá øada moností, jak zaplatit: bezhotovostním pøevodem, ekem (dnes Vám ek vystaví kadá jen troku sluná banka, napø. Èeská spoøitelna, ÈSOB, Komerèní banka). Dalí monosti Vám mùe poradit pokladník sekce Dr. Michael ebek, MSEBEKUTIA.CAS.CZ.
Zbynìk kvor
Termín valné hromady byl pøedbìnì stanoven na ètvrtek 5. prosince 1996. Do mìsíce byste mìli obdret pozvánky a hlasovací lístky.
Zbynìk kvor
Nedostáváte-li Vá oblíbený a øádnì pøedplacený èasopis, mùe to mít nìkolik pøíèin:
èasopis ji delí dobu nevyel
èasopis Vám nebyl odeslán
èasopis se zdrel nebo ztratil bìhem pøepravy
v databázi IEEE není zaplacení pøedplatného u Vaeho jména zaneseno
Vylouèení monosti d) bylo a doposud velmi zdlouhavé, co pak komplikovalo øeení nedostatkù.
Po zhruba pùlroce jednání se zdaøilo získat výpis z databáze IEEE, ve kterém jsou uvedeny nejen údaje o èlenství v odborných spoleènostech (ty má sekce k dispozici standardnì), ale i údaje o pøedplacených èasopisech. Do seznamu je mono nahlédnout na sekretariátu ÈS IEEE u pí. Mikovské, dennì od 9.00 do 11.00. (MiksovskFELD.CVUT.CZ, Tel. 02/2435-2377).
Zbynìk kvor
Bylo by mi zajisté potìením, kdybychom se mohli vichni sejít a vyslechnout vechnz pøednáky v rámci TAB Colloquia. Vím vak, e èas to vìtinì z nás nedovolí. Pokusím se Vám poskytnout co nejvíce informací tak, abyste si mohli vybrat tu pravou pøednáku právì pro Vás:
Length: 60 minutes, including time for questions.
ABSTRACT: Starting from an illustrative example of innovative medical equipment, the SMI (= small and medium industry) dilemma is introduced: High performance ICs at low volume. A market analysis reveals a variety of further needs of SMI which are served by a network of SCCs (= support and competence centers) involved in European programs such as EUREKA-Jessi, ESPRIT, LEONARDO. As a typical SCC, the institute of the author is described which belongs to the Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft for applied research in Germany. In this context technology transfer provides an added value between research, development, and continuing engineering education.
(Bio: >Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Seitzer (born 1933), has been the head of the chair of Technical Electronics at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg since 1970 and director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits since 1990. After his studies of telecommunications and his PhD at the Technical University of Stuttgart, he worked from 1962 to 1970 in the research laboratory of IBM in Zurich, Switzerland, where he was promoted to >Head of the Department for experimental communication systems. From 1980 on, Prof. Seitzer has initiated the Kontaktstelle fur Forschungs- und Technologietransfer (Liaison office for research and technology transfer) of the University Erlangen-Nurnberg. In 1984 he became managing director of the Zentrum fur Mikroelektronik und Informationstechnik (ZMI) (Centre for microelectronics & information technology) which was later transferred to the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and became the Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) on July 1st, 1990. From its beginning, he was been the director of the new Fraunhofer Institute. Today the institute has more than 200 employees and is involved in many international programmes such as EUREKA DAB, Jessi, ESPRIT, LEONARDO. He has served in many national and international committees. In 1982/83 he was president of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). He is Fellow SEFI, senior member IEEE, Euro-Ing. FEANI, member ITG/VDE, GMM, FKTG, SMPTE. His interests include technology transfer for small and medium industry, research in A/D-converters, audio coding, magnetic recording and microelectronic applications. He received several awards, for instance, Bundesverdienstkreuz 1989 and the Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis 1992, and medals of merit from the Chamber of Commerce 1995 and the State of Bavaria 1996.)
(lenght: 60 minutes incl. questions)
ABSTRACT: This presentation covers new materials and techniques used in power distribution systems.
(Bio: Peter W. Spencer (Member, IEEE) received the BEE from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, and the MBA degree from the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida. Mr. Spencer was with Florida Power Corporation for 22 years before establishing his own sales/consulting business. In his career with Florida Power, he worked in corporate staff and field distribution engineering, and has been recognized for significant contributions in the development of new systems and equipment. His testing and analysis of full scale feeder voltage reduction provided the groundwork for a very successful load reduction program. He developed the first computer programs to track and schedule line clearance work, and monitor line crew overtime. He has worked actively with manufacturers in the development and testing of entirely new types of distribution material including switchgear, underground cable, and automation equipment. In his present position with Spentec Power Services, he provides engineering consulting and sales to utilities for highly complex distribution equipment. Mr. Spencer is past Chairman of the Southeastern Electric Exchange Underground Distribution Committee. He is currently Membership Secretary of the IEEE/PES Insulated Conductors Committee, and a member of the Dielectrics and Insulations Society. He has been involved in numerous IEEE presentations, panels session, and papers. He received the SEE Excellence in Engineering first place award for his work on motor operated switchgear, and special commendation from the ICC for his development of an automated registration and membership data system.)
each length about 30 minutes.
ABSTRACT: A talk on the importance of our electrotechnologies in today's society, about the stature of our profession, about the dedication of the individual engineer and the IEEE.
ABSTRACT: Changing social values, more astute and demanding consumers, competition in the marketplace, all have greatly influenced industry managers to rethink the structure and goals of their companies. The challenge for today's manager is less technical and more customer and market oriented and it is in this context that Dr. Read discusses the threats and opportunities facing industry and the 21st Century Engineer. Dr. Read will focus on the impact that customer values and expectations have had in recent years, because ultimately, any culture shift engineers need to make, any quality improvement program engineers wish to install and any organizational restructuring engineers might wish to initiate will be judged on how responsive engineers are to their customers needs.
(BIO: Wallace S. Read has spent his entire career devoted to serving the Canadian electric power utility industry at the provincial and national levels. In addition to his responsibilities as the 1996 IEEE President, he is an active member of the Standards Council of Canada and Chairman of the Canadian Center for Marine Communications. Dr. Read received his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Nova Scotia in 1951. He has since been honored with Doctor of Engineering Degrees (Honoris Causa) from his alma mater in 1992 and from Memorial University in Newfoundland in 1996.)
Length: 30 minutes
ABSTRACT: This presentation will focus on the IEEE structure for nurturing and facilitating the technical activities of the IEEE, through its Societies and their global programs with and for our members. The talk will emphasize the importance of society-section-chapter interaction.
(BIO: Dr. Robert T. Wangemann has been Managing Director of the IEEE Technical Activities Department for the past three years. Prior to that, he was Executive Director of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. His technical interests lie in the interaction of electromagnetic energy with biological tissues and systems, most recently in the optical portion of the spectrum.)
Length: 30 minutes
ABSTRACT: One major goal of IEEE's strategies for the future is to move expeditiously to the electronic dissemination of existing IEEE products and services, as well as add products to take full advantage of the electronic media. This presentation covers the Institute's current efforts toward meeting the goal. Information is specially included about the progress in making IEEE information existing products and databases available in electronic form as quickly as possible, as well as closely matching IEEE products and services to member needs, with emphasis on the practical applications of electrotechnology.
(BIO: Dr. Morley received the B.S.(1968) and Ph.D. (1972) degrees in mining engineering from the University of Utah. He joined The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, as Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering (1971) and was promoted to Professor (1980). He joined The University of Alabama (1985) as Professor and Head of the Department of Mineral Engineering, and was Holder of the Drummond Endowed Chair of Mining Engineering (1993 to 1996). He was recently appointed (1996) to his current position at the University, Professor of Electrical Engineering. Dr. Morley's teaching and research activities have included mine power system design, protective relaying and circuitry, electrical safety, shock prevention, industrial electrical systems, materials-handling systems, and mining methods. He has produced several research reports and research papers, and two editions of a book on mine electrical systems. He was elected an IEEE Fellow "for contributions to analysis and design of improving electrical safety and the reliability of power systems in mines." Dr. Morley is an extremely active IEEE volunteer. He is currently Chair of the IEEE TAB Blue Ribbon Committee, which is overseeing the reorganization of technical activities in IEEE. Some of his other activities have included IEEE Vice President of Publication Activities in 1994; a Vice Chairman of the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), Chairman of the TAB Periodicals Council, and Vice Chairman of the IEEE Publications Board in 1992 and 1993; and IEEE Director of Division II (Industrial Applications) in 1991 and 1992. He was President of IEEE Industry Applications Society in 1988, most recently serving as an IAS Distinguish Lecturer. Dr. Morley is also active in the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME-AIME), and has served in several educational and Coal-Division positions.)
Length: 30 minutes
Since 1972 when the first pilot plant application of Fuzzy Logic
Control was reported by E.G.Mamdani, Fuzzy Control has successfully
been implemented on a large number of industrial plants. Its behaviour
has been successful in cases where the processes are nonlinear,
time varying, and difficult to model mathematically. The method
is complimentary to other knowledge-based methods like neural
network and artificial intelligence control. After an introductory
presentation of the Fuzzy fundamentals, the speaker will present
two industrial applications in Denmark to kilns and mills in the
cement industry, and to the desulphurization process in a Thermal
Power Plant. (BIO: Mr. Larsen received the MSEE (1957)
from the Technical University of Denmark. In 1959 he joined the
Electric Power Engineering Department, where he teaches Electric
Machinery, Automatic Control Theory and Power Plant Automation.
He spent 1961-62 with Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Carnegie
Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, USA. His main interests
are Fuzzy Logic Control, Power Plant Control, teaching methods,
and control terminology. Since 1972, he has been strongly engaged
within IFAC: Education Committee Chairman, 1978-84; Working Group
on Continuing Education, Chairman, 1984-90; Council member, 1987-93;
Technical Board Vice Chairman, 1990-93; Policy Committee Chairman,
1990-96. He is chairman of the IFAC Technical Committee on Control
Terminology (1993-96). He received the IFAC Outstanding Service
Reward, 1990. Mr. Larsen is President of the Danish Automation
Society (1991-96). He is active on the IEC Technical Committee
65: Industrial Process Measurement and (1995-96).) ----